CORNISH LIQUID MINERALS LIMITED is a family business. Originating in Australia as Westminster Pastoral Company Proprietary Limited, the business has manufactured and marketed the unique products successfully throughout the whole of Australia for more than 20 years.
Together with Cornish members of the family the company has decided to expand its manufacturing and marketing operations into the United Kingdom and other Western European Countries.
Cornish Liquid Minerals Limited initially will support its customers across the whole of the South West of England.
Formulations to Cover Farm Livestock Mineral Deficiencies
The heart of the technology perfected over 20 years in Australia is ORGANIC CHELATION that is brought about by using the unique properties of special low molecular weight LIGNOSULPHONATES in solution with metallic ions.This technology has been utilised to produce the closely guarded numerous formulations that are ulilised in the production of the uniqure range of company products.

How it works
Selected Lignosulphonates, modified in molecular weight and in the ionic charges of their reactive groups, (hydroxyl, carboxyl, methoxyl and sulphonyl functional groups) are used by Cornish Liquid Minerals to chelate trace elements such as Copper, Cobalt, Selenium, Zinc, Manganese and Iron.
These lignosulphonate chelated trace elements are protected from ruminal micro flora binding, hence not wasted through rumen liquor overflow and subsequent urinary and faecal excretion.
These newly formed lignosulphonates cross-linked-amino-acid-peptide-chelated trace elements are able to by-pass the rumen as the lignosulphonates form hydrogen bonds with the amino acid-peptide-chelated trace elements decreasing their solubility and its microbial degradation in the rumen.
As these lignosulphonate cross-linked-amino acid-peptide-chelated trace elements pass down the digestive tract into the abomasum and the small intestine, the acidity of the digestive fluid alters, which dissociates the lignosulphonates enabling the amino acid-peptide-chelated trace elements to be enzymatically digested, absorbed and then stored by the ruminant.

CATEGORY (A) is comprised of 2 products based on the master formulation that is modified in each instance to provide a product under our registered trademark “MIGHTY-MIN®” that is suitable for a variety of animals, and locations.
The products are packaged in 6 volume sizes,
2.5 litres, 5 litres, 10 litres, 20 litres, 200 litres and 1000 litre IBC containers.
The two variations of this master formulation are: Mighy-Min® 6.5 & 8.5

Mighty-Min® 6.5
for sheep, cattle, goats, alpacas, other ruminants and swine;

Mighty-Min® 8.5
for CATTLE only:
CATEGORY (B) is comprised of 2 products based on the master formulation that is modified in each instance to provide a product under our registered trademark.

Mighty-Min® For Horses
formulated especially for Horses

Mighty-Min® for Dogs
keep your working dogs in top condition
MightyMin® 6.5
Formulated to be suitable for all Ruminants
MightyMin® Cornish Liquid Minerals is a supplement for sheep, cattle, goats & alpacas, to increase dietary intake of certain trace minerals where intake by livestock may be low, resulting in increased digestive function of ruminants and improved pasture utilisation, and improvement in general health. MightyMin® employs a unique chelation process to assist in mineral uptake.
MightyMin® 8.5
Formulated for CATTLE ONLY – Extra Copper
Mighty Min Extra Copper is a supplement for cattle only.
Copper is an essential part of a number of enzymes present in both sheep and cattle. Cattle have a significantly higher requirement for Copper than sheep, hence the development of Mighty Min Extra Copper for Cattle.
MightyMin® Extra Copper for Cattle may be administered orally or via watering systems to ensure each animal is treated.
Some of these benefits provided by the use of Mighty-Min® Liquid Mineral Supplements for Sheep and Cattle.
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healthier animals overall;
animals look better, cattle have better coats, coats back to true colour and shine;
aid to weight gain;
aid to minimise loss of weight and stress during transport;
aid to scouring under control;
aid to better fertility, higher conception rates;
aid to lower mortality rate, more live births;
aid to more efficient healing of wounds;
aid in the elimination of leg and knuckle deformities;
aid in the prevention of “Sway Back” in lambs;
aid in the prevention of goitre;
aid to increased appetite with better weight gain;
aid to increased milk production for cows:
aid to lower cell count in cow’s milk;
aid to increase wool production in sheep;
aid to better resistance to parasites such as stomach worms;
aid to increased ability of animal to digest and convert low-quality roughage;
aid in the prevention of “ill thrift” condition in cattle and sheep;
aid in the detoxification and prevention of “Phalaris grass Stagers”;
aid in the prevention of white muscle disease in sheep;
aid to increase wool production in sheep;
aid in the prevention of Retained Placenta in cows;
aid in the prevention and cure of “Grass Staggers” in spring;
aid in the prevention of “Split Wool”
A | healthier animals overall;
B | animals look better, cattle have better coats, coats back to true colour and shine;
C | aid to weight gain;
D | aid to minimise loss of weight and stress during transport;
E | aid to scouring under control;
F | aid to better fertility, higher conception rates;
G | aid to lower mortality rate, more live births;
H | aid to more efficient healing of wounds;
I | aid in the elimination of leg and knuckle deformities;
J | aid in the prevention of “Sway Back” in lambs;
K | aid in the prevention of goitre;
L | aid to increased appetite with better weight gain;
M | aid to increased milk production for cows:
N | aid to lower cell count in cow’s milk;
O | aid to increase wool production in sheep;
P | aid to better resistance to parasites such as stomach worms;
Q | aid to increased ability of animal to digest and convert low-quality roughage;
R | aid in the prevention of “ill thrift” condition in cattle and sheep;
S | aid in the detoxification and prevention of “Phalaris grass Stagers”;
T | aid in the prevention of white muscle disease in sheep;
U | aid in the prevention of Nutritional myodegeneration in yearling cattle;
V | aid in the prevention of Retained Placenta in cows;
W | aid in the prevention and cure of “Grass Staggers” in spring;
X | aid in the prevention of “Split Wool”
Used correctly and as per the dose rate, MIGHTY-MIN® is not toxic. When dispensed into the animal drinking water trough, even 10 times the maximum dose is not considered toxic to the animal.
Westminster Pastoral Company has had no reported adverse effects in either, sheep, goats or cattle since launching the original version of Mighty-Min® back in April 1999.
Introducing The “FLOATER DOSER”
ALL of our farm animals require access to a supply of clean drinking water on a daily basis.
MIGHTY-MIN® liquid mineral supplements, manufactured by CORNISH LIQUID MINERALS has been FORMULATED to take advantage of this daily occurrence.

The “FLOATER DOSER” is a portable, inexpensive, reusable dispensing device designed specifically for the metering of Cornish Liquid Mineral supplements into animals drinking water troughs.
Requiring no power to operate, the “FLOATER DOSER” will float in the water trough and over a 2 to 3 day period dispense the required amount of supplement into the drinking water.
Being able to provide a mineral supplement to an animal in its drinking water, enables them to remain in their familiar surroundings without causing them unnecessary stress.
This method is also the most natural, efficient and effective way to evenly supplement your animals during all 4 seasons.
From Australian MightyMin customers – Names available on request
“We have been using this product for the past three years and there are two reasons why we will continue to use Mighty-Min.
1. The weaning weights of our calves have increased since introducing this mineral supplement into our management program. Our target weight used to be 1kg/day but now 1.25-1.3kg/day is easily achieved. The top weight for 2018 born calves was 387kg at nine months of age.
At a cost of $12 per breeder per year the outlay is far offset by the increase in the sale price of weaner calves and cull cows.
2. Breeding cattle cope better in harsh conditions. Our breeders have continued to perform well despite adverse weather conditions over the last two years. They come out of the winter in strong condition and that is a definite advantage for spring calving. By November their coats are shiny and they are gaining weight.
These traits were not observed prior to using Mighty-Min.”
“The alpacas are so healthy on it. It’s an absolute lifesaver and sure enough no more injections of selenium which they are probably rather pleased about”
“We came across your product when we stayed on a farm who used your product on their cows and were so impressed with the condition of their cattle that we started giving our horses your horse mineral mix.
We have just completed the bicentennial national trail (end of 2015) and our boys were on the minerals for about 1/2 of this trip (5300km from Cooktown QLD to Healesville VIC). The change in the horses when they started the minerals was marked. We noticed an increase in hair growth, they held weight much more easily, and they seemed fitter. We also noticed that some of the horses
faces slimmed down. As they were far Nth QLD born and bred, we believe they had bighead and the minerals helped to remedy this ailment.
This theory we tested again when we picked up my thoroughbred who had bighead after we finished the trip, and lost alot of condition for an unknown reason – turned out he had developed an ulcer. We started him on Minerals, ulcer treatment and a feeding program immediately.
Thank you so much for these minerals! I have told everyone who will listen about them, and they are noticing the difference in their animals as well!”
Cornish Liquid Minerals Foliar sprays are designed to enhance/rectify a growing crop or pasture when soil or foliar deficiencies are identified, and to provide the deficient elements in the correct ratios to the crop or pasture.
The Foliar sprays can be used in conjunction with solid NPK fertilisers where necessary.
Elements in the formulations are protected by a complex organic modification process.This prevents the interaction of other elements and soil conditions which may render nutrientsunavailable. Hence, maximum nutrient availability and utilisation is achieved.
Organically Protected BORON
Organically Protected CALCIUM NITRATE
Organically Protected COBALT
Organically Protected COPPER
Organically Protected IRON
Organically Protected ZINC
Organically Protected MANGANESE
Organically Protected CALCIUM & BORON
Organically Protected MAGNESIUM & BORON
Organically Protected MAGNESIUM + HUMATES
Organically Protected COPPER & MANGANESE
Organically Protected MANGANESE & ZINC
Organically Protected POTASSIUM + BORON
Organically Protected ZINC + BORON
Organically Protected MANGANESE 5%, BORON 1 %
Organically Protected MANGANESE 5%, MAGNESIUM 2%, BORON 1%
Organically Protected CALCIUM & PHOSPHORUS
Watchet-GRO Bio Fix
Watchet-GRO Premium Seed Dressing
Watchet-GRO Multipurpose 10-2-7
Watchet-GRO Pasture Spray # 5
Watchet-GRO Pasture Spray # 6
Watchet-GRO Humates + Nitrogen + Potassium
Watchet-GRO Fulvic with Lignates
Watchet-GRO Nitrogen + Trace
Watchet-GRO NPK 15-10-10 + Trace
Watchet-GRO Humates + Potassium + Trace
Watchet-GRO Hay & Silage Booster
Watchet-GRO Nitrogen Booster
Watchet-GRO NK Plus
Watchet-GRO NPK 10-10-10 + Trace
Watchet-GRO Big M for pasture
Watchet-GRO Potassium & Phosphorus
Watchet-GRO Quick Cal + Boron
Watchet-GRO SNT Rapid Sulphur + Trace